Thought I'd share this little video clip of Wiggle from earlier. He'd had his bath and went for his usual mad bouncing and ball chasing session. He's very cute at the end of the video when he give's paw.
Last night I had a bit of a surprise - I woke up to find Wiggle on my bed! He's never done that before and I've never told him he could get on the bed. Wiggle had come upstairs with us when Dolly and I went to bed. Wiggle normally stays downstairs on his bed or the sofa but he seemed to be worrying about Dolly as she whined all evening, so he came up and curled up with her.
When I woke up and discovered him, he went very soppy and waggy until I asked him to get off. He did, and went to curl up with Dolly again, but weve had a chat and I've told him thats not on.
Wiggle being Wiggle, just wagged his tail and looked his usual dopey self...