Our Scandinavian vacation is over for this time. It's time to go, our bags are packed and we are on our way.
It's been five fantastic weeks, and here is a little summary, in numbers:
Days it has rained: 14 (I think, maybe more)
Amusement parks we have visited: 5
Friends we have seen: 58
Places we have slept in: 7
Ice creams we have eaten: 25 each (at least!)
Plasters we have used: 8
Pictures we have taken: 601
Lego boxes we have built: 8
Family we have caught up with: 14
Books I have read: 0
Blog posts I have written: 40
3 things I rather not sum up:
- How many kilometers we have traveled, across the world, and criss-crossing Denmark and Sweden here, there and everywhere.
- How much money we have spent (gosh, Europe is suddenly really, really expensive!)
- How many kilos we have gained...