28 July 2008
Sorry about the delay in getting out a new Update for until recently I had little new information to offer. After a few months of medication, I was scheduled for a CT-scan early this month and then had to wait until some meetings with the doctors to get the results. Am most pleased to report there is no indication of any return of the tumor which was removed back in January. I am scheduled to continue with the costly pills for a few months, and during that time I have to report just once a month for blood tests. If all goes well, it maybe possible to dispense with the medications soon and just have occasional check-ups.
Plans will go forward for a winter season in the KV. As we are now affiliated with the SCA, we have had some correspondence with Dr. Zahi Hawass and Dr. Magdy el Ghandour, who have been brought up to date on my medical situation. Next, we will soon ask for some clarifications on the proposal and security issues. The proposal will essentially be the same as that submitted last year but with revised �work dates.� The SCA generally suggests that proposals be submitted several months prior to the start of the proposed work dates. As I hope to arrive during December, we will propose the work dates to fall between early December and extend through April or later --- extensions are possible, but we try to have the span long enough to allow for any alterations in the schedule. Lest there be some need to submit early, we will plan to get the proposal in during September.
While we simply use �Amenmesse Project� in the heading above, this includes the work on and in KV-10 and KV-63. The major emphasis will be the resumption of work on the artifacts from KV-63, including restoration and conservation work on the coffins, examinations of the sealed storage jars and special studies involving plant and textile remains. The amount of materials is considerable and it will be necessary to have an additional season after 2008/2009. As of now we still do not know the extent of the contents of the remaining unopened storage jars. The contents of those jars will, in large measure, determine what specialists may have to be added next time.
Now as the are about to get into the autumn we should see an increase in the appearance of these UPDATES. We are looking forward to a successful season.
Many thanks!
Dr. Otto Schaden
Amenmesse Project (KV-10 and KV-63)
A Supreme Council of Antiquities Mission