"Provocative" news pending ... from Mars

NASA issued a report two days ago confirming earlier speculation about the presence of water on Mars - not hydrated minerals, but true water: "Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples."

But then following that report, this most curious announcement was released:
"The White House has been alerted by NASA about plans to make an announcement soon on major new Phoenix lander discoveries concerning the "potential for life" on Mars, scientists tell Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Sources say the new data do not indicate the discovery of existing or past life on Mars. Rather the data relate to habitability--the "potential" for Mars to support life--at the Phoenix arctic landing site, sources say.

The other data not discussed openly yet are far more "provocative," Phoenix officials say."
It's not clear why the White House or President Bush need to be briefed before a public announcement is made. The 'net is of course awash with rumors. Stay tuned.

Addendum: And now there are reports of cracks newly appearing in the ice under the Mars lander.

Second addendum: White House now denies receiving any briefing, per Wired.

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