Meet me in SL Next Thursday 8 pm EDT: New School Year... Cool Tools Here

From my friend Cris Crissman, the announcement about a presentation next week I'm giving in Second Life.  This will be my first official presentation in Second Life and I'm so excited about it!

Announcing the USDLC Star Teacher Series . . .

"New School Year -- Cool Tools Here:  Cool Cat Teacher Vicki Davis
Shares the Tools She’ll Bring to Her Classroom"

As a Flat Classroom Teacher, Vicki Davis, made wiki a classroom word.
Now as the Cool Cat Teacher, she shares new tools, ideas, and resources
with the enthusiastic readers of her blog.
Join her in Second Life (or Internet Radio with chat
for non-Second Life Residents) as she shares the cool tools and tips
she’ll use to make the 2008-2009 school year the best yet.

Event will take place Thursday, August 28, 8 p.m. EDT, on USDLC Star
Island in Second Life.
Non-Second Life Residents can listen via Internet Radio and join the
chat.  Get all the details at

Learn more about Vicki at
To prepare for the event, be sure and read Vicki’s August 4th blog post:
“Tips on Starting the School Year Right”


See Vicki’s post on “The Frontier of Education:  Web 3D” (March 2, 2007)

". . . encourage educators to understand change and become a part. Help
them to see that the very future of the children they teach is dependent
upon their ability to change, adapt, and understand such new
environments and to operate in them safely. Our children have an unknown
future that will be full of change. Are you preparing them for that?

I am not an expert on the 3D web, but I know enough to believe that this
is indeed the next evolution of the Web.

How it will look and what it will be will largely be determined by the
pioneers and visionaries who are moving into the new frontier: the 3D

What do you think?"

Stay tuned for more Star Teacher events in Second Life.

See you there soon,

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and
disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

CRIS CRISSMAN, PhD // Distance Learning Consultant
Resources Development and Evaluation // NCDPI

Let me know ahead of time if you're coming so I can look for you!  I'm excited and really quite scared!

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