Gathering Acorns

Portraits From My Heart I

I don't know about you , but I thoroughly enjoyed the artist portrait series from my friend over at St. Louis, Mo Daily Photo.  Unfortunately,  my portfolio of  portraits is still a work in progress.  However, I do have a very small collection I would like to share.    I have photographed each one since the first day they came into this world and my life..... my grandchilden!   I hope that each photograph gives you a glimpse of their sweet spirit.

My granddaughters found some baskets in the basement and set out to harvest acorns in my yard last week.  Hard to believe that the squirrels that reside in my trees had left them even one, but in no time they had quite a collection.  Great fun was had drawing faces on them and decorating them with fern leaves.  The pleasures of summer.

The Tune du Jour is from the movie Forest Gump, one of my favorite tunes. Enjoy!

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