FOX News is Totally Fucking Disgusting - Chapter 2,345

Celtic Diva took this picture of the DNC FOX News crew, during the Pledge of Allegiance at today's DNC. Here's her observation:

Typing and talking.....with their backs to the flag.


(Tipped off by Dennis Zaki, who told me he saw the same thing yesterday while CNN, MSNBC and the others stood respectfully with their hands on their hearts.)

I suppose some wingnut in the comments is gonna write, "How could Celtic Diva take that picture with her hand over her heart? What about that, huh?

"And I'm SURE they're wearing their American Flag lapel pins. Is she? They shouldn't have to stop doing their very important work, making us feel safe by making sure we're very, very scared."

Update - Thursday, 9:00 a.m:
I called Dennis this morning. He's in Denver, and it is too hot! He verified and amplified on CD's comments on FOX's boorish conduct. "Even BBC and the Spanish National TV stood up and turned toward the American flag. The only news team in the whole place that ignored it was FOX. Time after time."

He told me he couldn't see any American flag lapel pins on their shirts, blouses or coats either.

Dennis got to stand near Bill Clinton, and spoke with Rahm Emanuel about Ethan Berkowitz.

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