Bombing Spree Exposes Ethnic Divisions in China -- ABC News
Donkeys pulled melon-laden carts through the streets and women sold bowls of yogurt Monday in the market of this mostly Muslim city in a remote corner of China, the day after militant bombings left a dozen people dead.
But underneath the apparent return to normal life hides a seething anger among the region's ethnic Uighurs toward Chinese immigrants, whom many here see as symbols of the government's oppression, residents and experts say.
With two audacious attacks in a week and the appearance online of videos threatening the Beijing Olympics, Uighur extremists in Xinjiang may be trying to use the games as a way to force themselves out of obscurity into the world's view.
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More News On China's War With Extremism
Three killed in renewed violence in China's far west -- Reuters
Chinese security officers stabbed to death at checkpoint -- Guardian
Three killed in renewed violence in China -- The Independent
My Comment: As China develops and becomes a more open country, ethnic divisions that have been controlled for a very long time will start to bubble over. We have seen nothing yet. There are over 50 different ethnic groups in China, and they are the fastest growing segment of the population.