In the UK, it has been alleged that dangerous child abusers held key positions in certain local government authorities, such as Islington in London.
It has been alleged that these dangerous child abusers had links to child abuse on the island of Jersey and beyond.
(aangirfan: Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of ... / aangirfan: THE ZANDVOORT NETWORK, JERSEY, DUTROUX, PORTUGAL...)
In The Mail on Sunday, 3 August 2008, Eileen Fairweather, wrote that Birmingham council illegally sent children into care on Jersey, according to a report by John Hemming, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley.
According to The Mail on Sunday:
1. Member of Parliament John Hemming discovered that Children were illegally placed in care on Jersey by Birmingham social services.
The whereabouts of at least one of these children remains unknown.
2. John Hemming, believes children from other parts of the UK were taken to Jersey.
3. Hemming says: 'The Government has refused to order councils to check properly because it does not want to open a can of worms, on the links between abusers in England and Jersey.'
4. UK Schools Minister Kevin Brennan has told Parliament that children from the UK cannot be placed in care in Jersey without a court order.
Yet Birmingham children were sent to Jersey without such orders.
5. Hemming has asked English councils (local governments) to check their records but 'Most seem only to have done cursory checks, just checking recent electronic files, or asking around the office.'
Some councils, including Islington, have refused to check their records.
6. In Islington in North London a child sex network infiltrated 12 children's homes, while Margaret Hodge (friend of Tony Blair) was council leader.
Key staff, The Mail on Sunday revealed, were from Jersey or had strong Channel Islands connections.
Liz Davies, a former Islington senior social worker, said:
'It is becoming clear that children at Haut de la Garenne (on Jersey) were sent on holiday to children's homes in England which were also notorious for abuse, while the children in the English homes they went to were sent to Haut de la Garenne. They literally swapped beds...
'I am perturbed that police in Britain have not written to all local authorities on the mainland to demand they check which children they sent to Jersey.'

In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang.
Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift.
Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys.
The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2]
Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison.
In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early.
There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes. ( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
In 1982 Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer) became Islington council leader.
In 1982 Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer) became Islington council leader.
She became a close friend of Tony Blair, who lived in Islington, a few doors away from Hodge.
In February 1990 Liz Davies and David Cofie, senior social workers, discovered evidence of sex abuse of children and reported it to a residents' meeting attended by Mrs Hodge.
In May 1990 Mr Cofie and Ms Davies were told by Lyn Cusack, assistant director of social services, to stop interviewing children about the abuse claims.
On 1 May 1997 Tony Blair moved from Islington to Downing Street.
In June 2003 Mrs Hodge was made minister for Children. (Another minister under fire: call for Hodge to quit over child ...)
The Independent, 9 March 2008, has an article on missing children (Our children are missing: Most vulnerable youngsters are targeted) which tells us the following:
Sarah Benford, 14, disappeared from Welford House children's home in Northampton in April 2000.
She is still missing.
The UK's Police National Missing Persons Bureau has 1,418 "open cases" of missing children.
According to Police figures more than 100 children who should be in care have been missing for at least four years.
Many children who go missing are not reported to the police.
Member of parliament Helen Southworth says: "All figures on children missing from anywhere are estimates because, astonishingly, there is no requirement for data to be recorded or collected nationally."
Almost 1,000 children went missing from UK residential and foster care in 2007.
The number that went missing from care increased from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.
In February 1990 Liz Davies and David Cofie, senior social workers, discovered evidence of sex abuse of children and reported it to a residents' meeting attended by Mrs Hodge.
In May 1990 Mr Cofie and Ms Davies were told by Lyn Cusack, assistant director of social services, to stop interviewing children about the abuse claims.
On 1 May 1997 Tony Blair moved from Islington to Downing Street.
In June 2003 Mrs Hodge was made minister for Children. (Another minister under fire: call for Hodge to quit over child ...)
The Independent, 9 March 2008, has an article on missing children (Our children are missing: Most vulnerable youngsters are targeted) which tells us the following:
Sarah Benford, 14, disappeared from Welford House children's home in Northampton in April 2000.
She is still missing.
The UK's Police National Missing Persons Bureau has 1,418 "open cases" of missing children.
According to Police figures more than 100 children who should be in care have been missing for at least four years.
Many children who go missing are not reported to the police.
Member of parliament Helen Southworth says: "All figures on children missing from anywhere are estimates because, astonishingly, there is no requirement for data to be recorded or collected nationally."
Almost 1,000 children went missing from UK residential and foster care in 2007.
The number that went missing from care increased from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.
1. In May 2008, Jersey police charged Michael Aubin, 45, with alleged offences relating to the former Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey.
Mr Aubin, who was born in Jersey but now lives in Southampton, was arrested in the UK by Jersey officers.
He has been charged with one count of sodomy against a male child and three counts of indecent assault against two other male children.
All of the alleged offences took place between 1977 and 1980, police said.The investigators added further charges may follow
Police charge man in Haut de la Garenne case
2. English solicitors Dyer Burdett & Co (DBC) have set up a legal team to advise former residents of the Haut de la Garenne children's home on Jersey.
DBC is already representing 18 people who were allegedly physically and sexually abused whilst in the care of Portsmouth Corporation during the 1950s and 60s.
The firm is investigating reports of a link between the Portsmouth cases and Haut de la Garenne. (Two more 'punishment cellars' discovered at Jersey care home)

3. Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes in Portsmouth, across the water from Jersey, is at the centre of a child abuse scandal.
Two former child residents of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes claim children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
Reg Tugatt, 59, a former resident of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes says he saw 'suspicious holes dug'.
Reg has given police a map showing holes dug in the vicinity of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes - in a wood and near an orchard. (Police handed map of holes at child abuse scandal home / Second 'abuse' victim speaks out)
Reg said he was taken into care at the home in 1956, aged eight, and stayed there for three years.
A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said: 'We have no plans to dig up any sites in Portsmouth and continue to hold the position that there are no links between allegations made in reference to the Children's Cottage Homes in Cosham and the ongoing investigation in Jersey.'
Les Cummings, 63, is campaigning for an apology from Portsmouth City Council for the abuse he claims to have at the hands of his foster father and at the Children's Cottage Homes.
A total of 21 men and women told detectives they suffered physical and sexual abuse as children at Children's Cottage Homes.
A 78-year-old woman from Devon was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault but when police passed the file to Crown Prosecution Service lawyers they decided there was not enough evidence to charge her.
Les Cummings went to police to ask them to look again at their earlier investigation into the claims of 21 men and women.
The Crown Prosecution Service examined allegations against the centre but decided not to prosecute.
Both Reg and Les claim that a number of children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
4. In 2001, former Mayor of Portsmouth Freddie Emery-Wallis, 'was jailed for nine months after he was found guilty on five counts of indecent assault against two teenage boys.' (Polar)
5. There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area - Cached
6. Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth. - Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
7. Fort Monckton, near Portsmouth is reportedly used for the training of MI6 recruits - (Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales...
Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.
During the period 1958 - 1971, Paisnel abducted and abused a number of children.
Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.
The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber. (Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)
Paisnel claimed he was a member of a satanic group. File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt
No other members of the 'black magic group' were ever arrested.
In 1971, Paisnel was convicted of thirteen sex offences against young children, ( The Human Beast ) and sent to jail.
Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.
During the period 1958 - 1971, Paisnel abducted and abused a number of children.
Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.
The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber. (Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)
Paisnel claimed he was a member of a satanic group. File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt
No other members of the 'black magic group' were ever arrested.
In 1971, Paisnel was convicted of thirteen sex offences against young children, ( The Human Beast ) and sent to jail.
Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne orphanage dressed as Father Christmas during his reign of terror in the 1960s (Notorious paedophile dubbed the 'Beast of Jersey' linked to ...)

1. February 24, 2008: It was reported that Jersey Police had found a child's remains at a former children's home in Jersey. Detectives said they expected to discover more bodies at the former Haut de la Garenne home in St Martin.
There had been a three-month investigation into child abuse at several government institutions. The child's remains are believed to date from the 1980s. - (Body found amid fears of child abuse ring on Jersey)
"Jersey’s Health Minister was sacked after he blew the whistle on a harsh punishment regime in a home where children as young as 11 were kept in solitary confinement.
"Stuart Syvret, the island’s longest-serving and most popular senator, had accused ministers, civil servants and social workers of failing to protect children but he was forced out this week after losing a vote of confidence in Jersey’s parliament, the States.
"He claimed to have been defeated by the 'one-party oligarchy' of the Jersey establishment." - (Minister Sacked After Exposing Child Abuse)
"He claimed to have been defeated by the 'one-party oligarchy' of the Jersey establishment." - (Minister Sacked After Exposing Child Abuse)
"One man who was in the home for several years in the 1960s told how his 14-year-old best friend, Michael Collins, ran away from the home and was found hanged from a tree."
"Remains discovered five years ago were dismissed as animal bones and disposed of, despite being found in close proximity to children’s shoes." - (paedophile was known to visit children’s home)
"Jersey Police, following up a series of convictions for sexual offences involving officers from the island's Sea Cadet Corps, say they began to notice links between victims in those cases, and a number of island institutions, including Haut de la Garenne. (BBC NEWS World Europe Jersey Investigating Jersey's 'abuse ...)
"It’s alleged child abuse has been concealed in the area for many years and the trail could lead right to the top of Jersey’s citizens." -( Jersey's Chief Minister Deny Claims Children Were Murdered at ...)
The police officer heading the Jersey child abuse inquiry is Lenny Harper, who comes from Northern Ireland.
The police officer heading the Jersey child abuse inquiry is Lenny Harper, who comes from Northern Ireland.
The police and MI5 are alleged to have links to child abuse in Northern Ireland.
"For years, MI5 had been aware of a homosexual vice ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual....
"McGrath... was employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.
"Amongst various other Loyalist members of the homosexual ring were John McKeague, who ran the Loyalist paramilitary organisation, the Red Hand Commandos, which was involved in many sectarian killings...
"So, MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."
3. "The role of MI5 sponsored boys homes/abuse circles in Kincora, Northern Ireland, Dunblane, Scotland and probably Cardiff mirrors on a smaller scale the systematic role that State- sponsored child abuse has played in the centres of power in the US and Brussels."- portland imc - 2007.05.11 - Scotland’s May 2007 Election Fiasco
4. "Scallywag Magazine alleged that MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to the North Wales homes, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.
Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'." - North Wales paedophile ring, top people, the police and the security services
Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail
Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail
October 1997 (PUBLIC FIGURES NAMED IN PAEDOPHILE RING By Nick Davies 1997) :
"Policemen, social workers and prominent public figures have been accused of belonging to a paedophile ring which indulged in a relentless campaign of physical and sexual abuse in children's homes in North Wales.
"The names of the alleged members of the ring have been given by witnesses in public sessions of the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal, but they have been suppressed by the tribunal's chairman, Sir Ronald Waterhouse QC, who has threatened the media with High Court proceedings if they print them.
"The Guardian today publishes for the first time detailed evidence about the alleged ring, which is said to have been based in Wrexham, and to have infiltrated local children's homes over a 20 year period.
"Policemen, social workers and prominent public figures have been accused of belonging to a paedophile ring which indulged in a relentless campaign of physical and sexual abuse in children's homes in North Wales.
"The names of the alleged members of the ring have been given by witnesses in public sessions of the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal, but they have been suppressed by the tribunal's chairman, Sir Ronald Waterhouse QC, who has threatened the media with High Court proceedings if they print them.
"The Guardian today publishes for the first time detailed evidence about the alleged ring, which is said to have been based in Wrexham, and to have infiltrated local children's homes over a 20 year period.
"Witnesses claim that members of the ring used their connections with police and social services to conceal their activities. All of the accused have denied the allegations.
"Those named to the tribunal include:
"A man who bears the same surname as a prominent Conservative supporter. Two witnesses have told the tribunal of a rich and powerful man who belonged to the alleged ring.
"The son of an influential peer who admitted to police that he had been having sex with an under-age boy from one of the homes. Despite his admission, he was never prosecuted.
"A powerful public official who has previously been cleared of abuse. Six witnesses have given separate accounts to the tribunal of his alleged rape of young boys. Another has reported him attending parties in Wrexham which were supplied with boys from a children's home.
"Two social workers and two police officers, one of whom was accused of abuse on four separate occasions and exonerated each time, another of whom has since been jailed in another part of the country for gross indecency with a child.
"More than a dozen other local men, including an executive with a local authority, a senior probation officer and a director of a major company."
5. "I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys' camps and clubs he ran." - aangirfan: Dunblane
6. Margaret Hodge (née Margaret Oppenheimer) was linked to the alleged cover up of a pedophile scandal. In 2003, Hodge was appointmented as Minister for Children by Tony Blair.
October 6 1992: The Evening Standard began a series of reports alleging that dozens of children at two Islington council homes were abused.
October 6 1992: The Evening Standard began a series of reports alleging that dozens of children at two Islington council homes were abused.
Hodge accused the Standard of "gutter journalism" and rejected its dossier on paedophile activity in the homes.
October 23 1992Margaret Hodge stepped down as council leader.
May 23 1995: An independent inquiry led by the director of Oxford social services found that the council failed to properly investigate the sexual abuse allegations. http://society.guardian.co.uk/children/story/0,1074,1087250,00.html
October 23 1992Margaret Hodge stepped down as council leader.
May 23 1995: An independent inquiry led by the director of Oxford social services found that the council failed to properly investigate the sexual abuse allegations. http://society.guardian.co.uk/children/story/0,1074,1087250,00.html
Allegations of child abuse at the Islington children's home were borne out by official inquiries.
7. In a number of Leicester children's homes, between 1973 and 1986, various adults were involved in sexual abuse of children. (Uncovering The Past Abuse of Children in Care ).
These were homes run by Frank Beck. At his trial in 1991, Beck was found guilty of 17 counts of physical and sexual abuse.
There was a Police Complaints Authority investigation into why so many of the complaints made to police by children had been ignored.
8. Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House and St Ninians in Scotland - An independent report for the Scottish government found that there has been massive child abuse in Scottish care homes. (Scotland’s shame )
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences. 'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant. The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
9. Moira Anderson
Hampshire police have announced that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth. Twenty-one men and women have told detectives that they suffered physical and sexual abuse at the Children’s Cottage Homes in Cosham. - Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation

11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 1957.
She was on her way to the shops to buy a box of chocolates for her mum’s birthday.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
This dossier may identify the people who kidnapped Moira.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
These public figures are said to have abused children in Strathclyde (the Glasgow area) during the 1950s and 1960s.
The dossier is said to list vehicles and safe houses used in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children were hidden before being taken to sex parties.
Strathclyde police have decided not to release the dossier.
The dossier was written by James Gallogley, a convicted child-abuser who died in Peterhead prison in 1999.
10. 02/24/2008 - by anonfrombackthen (Police in abuse probe find child remains on Jersey [UK])
She was on her way to the shops to buy a box of chocolates for her mum’s birthday.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
This dossier may identify the people who kidnapped Moira.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
These public figures are said to have abused children in Strathclyde (the Glasgow area) during the 1950s and 1960s.
The dossier is said to list vehicles and safe houses used in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children were hidden before being taken to sex parties.
Strathclyde police have decided not to release the dossier.
The dossier was written by James Gallogley, a convicted child-abuser who died in Peterhead prison in 1999.
10. 02/24/2008 - by anonfrombackthen (Police in abuse probe find child remains on Jersey [UK])
"After having spent six months in solitary confinement, in a cell with unbrakeable glass, feeling extremely vulnerable without clothes, knowing that anyone could look through the magnified peephole on the door at any time, (and they did too! cos I could hear them and saw their shadows come and go), I learnt to comply.
"There was no recreation during that time in the cell. I was locked up 24 hours a day for the whole of the six months. Yet I wasnt a criminal. I just didnt get on with my parents, so I took them to court for mental and physical cruelty.
"Of course, they won cos they could afford a solicitor. I couldnt and I would proven uncontrollable and given the choice of going to live with one of my sisters who were married or to go in the home. I didnt think it fair on my sisters cos they all had young families, so I chose the home.
"The six months in solitary was my introduction to Haut de la Garenne. The only contact I had with the outside world in that time was with a member of staff who insisted in supervising my showers and bathroom visits."
Peter Hannaford spent the first 12 years of his life at Haut de la Garenne. He told the Jersey Evening Post: "Boys and girls were abused while I was there. The abuse was anything from rape to torture; it happened every night." - Ex-care resident makes abuse claims
"A VICTIM of the Jersey care home of horror told yesterday how she was drugged, beaten and sexually assaulted by staff as officials turned a blind eye when she begged for help.
"The mother of two – known as Pamela – was given heavy doses of Valium at Haut de la Garenne and sexually assaulted dozens of times between 1973 and 1975.
"She described how children would cower in their beds while staff held drunken parties where they would stumble into the dormitories to select 'weak' children to rape...
"She recalls there having been 'constant' building work in the cellar – where police are focusing their investigation...
"Police have been investigating the bricked-up cellar since the discovery on Saturday of a child's skull.Pamela said: 'The things that happened there are indescribable – the most cruel, sadistic and evil acts you could think of.'" - Jersey victim says sex assaults on drugged youngsters were rife
Hampshire police have announced that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth. Twenty-one men and women have told detectives that they suffered physical and sexual abuse at the Children’s Cottage Homes in Cosham. - Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Cover-up of the Jersey-Portsmouth link?
The British security services, fascism and child abuse.
Corrupt Jersey policemen try to block Jersey child abuse and murder investigation.
Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London
Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of missing children
Torture and death of British children; the death of Gareth.
The 1999 child abuse scandal in Latvia
The Police Chief, the Judge and Child Abuse
'Jersey care home boss raped his own foster daughter'
Jersey; top people; a cover-up?
Child abuse
Bryn Estyn Boys' Home in North Wales
Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home
Jersey: the cover-up begins?
Jersey, Dutroux and cover-ups
Jersey - Channel TV names top people caught up in the child abuse scandal
Philip Martin Bailhache and Haut de la Garenne in Jersey
Dukes, Freemasons, Jersey...
Jersey victims
Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales, Dunblane, Islington, Leicester, Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House, St Ninians, Coatbridge
Satanic child abuse and the police
Rapes and murders in Canadian boarding schools; thousands died.
Child abuse and murder in Canada
Jersey and famous people
The bin Laden links to the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey)
Child abuse; Jersey; Kincora; North Wales; Dunblane
Satanic child abuse on Jersey.