10 Days, 10 Formula One Sponsors (Day 2)

This is harder than I thought. Today, I set out to take care of McLaren. First, I thought I'd just test drive a Mercedes, maybe the new C300, and check McLaren off the list. But then I realized that in order to get a test drive, the salesman will probably want my contact info or business card. As I have no intention of actually buying a Merc, I do not want an eager salesman calling me once a week, ad infinitum. I also did not want to waste a private seller's time by test driving a used Merc.

Since Mobil 1 also sponsors the McLaren team, I thought I'd fill up my tank at the closest ExxonMobil station. A quick search on the net confirmed my fear-- the closest station is almost an hour away in the Wine Country.

I then drove by the local auto parts store, hoping to buy a quart of Mobil motor oil to top off my car. It was closed. This is going to be much harder than I thought.

So I took the easy way out, for today, and will use the Intel (BMW Sauber sponsor) chip in my laptop as the product of the day. I'm not a computer person so I really can't rate the chip.

Let's just hope the rest of the week gets easier.


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