Matt Armstrong (monsterbrick) was first off the line a crazy cool '66 Caddy. Check out the windshield! I would never have thought to do that.
Next is Ben's (The Big Rafalski) '90 Jeep Wrangler.
Pat (MBeige) has two entries from 1982, a Mercedes W123
and Jeremy Clarkson's Lancia Beta Coupe from Top Gear.
Jake (J4KE) enters his 1990 Lamborghini Diablo and I'm beginning to think that Ralph S. is having some influence on many builders style. The studs up construction really works well for so many of these models.
Speaking of Ralph, the Mad Physicist himself enters a '75 version of the Mercedes W123.
Lino saves his stunning entry 'til the end and blows us all away with his supafly '71 Cadillac Eldorado accompanied as is his wont, figs to scale with the monster vehicle.
That's all for now, be sure to check out this month's challenge "Haulin' Ass."