Another lovely sunny day here so we went out early before it got too warm for the boys. Sadly no water for Wiggle to play in today as we went walking in the fields across the road from our house, but Wiggle still had fun.
Sir H mostly trundled about, in between stopping to sit and yawn. Clearly it was all too much effort for the old chap. Since coming home Sir H has gone back upstairs and will probably stay up there for most of the day.
Last night I met my friend Sarah at the pub. Wiggle came too and was very good, said hello to everyone who went past and seemed to enjoy doing some people watching.
Wiggle's blog has now had over 3,000 page views, which is fab, considering its just a blog about a skinny baldy dog. Its nice to know that so many of you are interested in reading about Wiggle and his time here with us.