Presentació Artcamp (anglès)


“European Year of Intercultural Dialogue” & “The International Year of Planet Earth” (IYPE)&

“Cultural bridges through Europe

23 July 2008 – 3 August 2008 – Ordino, Andorra


The universal language that the majority of human beings understand best is the language of art, which enriches the lives of all people by means of its multiple forms of expression. Bringing artists from different countries together promotes cooperation and understanding between nations.

One of the most important challenges that we face nowadays, as the peoples of the world, is the increasing migration of an ever more important number of those who escape from hunger, wars and misery, and move to a different part of the world in search of a better life.

This challenge requires an effort of integration and understanding between men and women of different races and religions. Learning to live together notwithstanding the social differences between the locals and the newcomers, making mutual respect a foundation of enrichment of all the cultures involved.

This problem is aggravated by the biggest challenge that affects the whole of Humanity: the climate change and its repercussions which are already starting to be felt by all the inhabitants of the planet and those who are about to inherit it.

The solution inevitably lies in understanding between the peoples of different nations and races, in joined effort to respond to these challenges and eventually find the road to agreement, brotherhood and dialogue so as to face and solve the present situation. For this particular reason the Andorran National Commission for UNESCO has found it opportune to provide a meeting point for the artists capable to share their view of the world through their preferred means of expression.


The main objective of the Art camp of Andorra is bringing together around thirty artists coming from 5 continents with the view to promote artistic creation and debate on the importance of the challenge presented by climatic change and all its repercussions on the planetary level as defined by the UNESCO in the framework of the celebration of the Year declared the “International Year of the Planet Earth” (IYPE). The main aim of this year is inducing the whole society to take conscience of the intimate relationship that exists between the Humanity and the Planet Earth. The so-called developed societies presently represent the biggest and fastest non extraterrestrial factor” that can modify and alter the dynamics of our planet.

From East to West, the colours of the dialogue ...

Among about thirty artists forming part of the group, about twenty will be coming from the countries of Europe nearest to Andorra and will arrive here from Romania representing the Art-camp “Vlaicu Ionescu” which will take place just before ours (the first two weeks of July). Under the name From East o West, the colours of the dialogue”, this group enters the framework of the campaign of “the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue”. In course of their journey to Andorra they will exhibit their works, created at the Art camp in Romania, in different cities of Europe (Vienna, Venice,…).

For more detailed information concerning the Art camp “Vlaicu Ionescu”, please consult :

In the course of the ten days of the Colours for the Planet, the artists coming from all the continents and gathered in one of the most beautiful parts of our country will work on their paintings and debate various issues that affect communication between peoples and the planetary challenge that climatic change presents. The organisers will provide all the necessary material (canvas, paints, paintbrushes,…)

The rest of the activities will be focused on exchange with the artists of the country on the subject of environment and different humane problems encountered by every artist in his or her country of origin.

Thus, each participant will bring some emblematic examples of her or his culture (cooking recipes, stories and legends, national costumes and traditional music).

Apart from building cultural bridges, the objective of this Art camp is to promote the importance of dialogue between the cultures and civilizations for social cohesion, reconciliation between different cultures and the establishment of a culture of peace. Through their creative attitude, all the artists coming from different backgrounds will contribute to the construction of intercultural bridges between our communities.

The international group of artists will spend around ten days in Andorra working on their paintings, sharing with the others in the spirit of creativity and discovering the values they have in common that help us learn how to live together.

3 works of each artist will be selected to be exhibited in one of the exhibition halls of the country. In consequence, these works will become property of the different institutions that have collaborated in the organization of this Art camp. If the opportunity presents itself, the works of art in question will also be exhibited in the neighbouring countries (France, Spain,...)

Another objective of this Art camp, the one of a more symbolic kind, will be the creation of a Manifest that the participant artists will compose in favour of mutual understanding between all people, whatever their race or faith, while emphasizing the urgent need to act in order to preserve our planet.
The artists will be entrusted with the responsibility to spread its message to their communities.

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