Latest JIPLP

The July 2008 issue of Oxford University Press's flagship IP journal, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP), is now ploughing its stately course through letterboxes and on to the desks or breakfast-tables of excited recipients across five continents. Unlike the May issue, which was a trade mark special, which was an IP pot-pourri, the July issue has a strongly patent flavour to it.

Right: there's also a current intelligence note, ‘chocolate’ unregistrable for portable communications apparatus', by Hong Kong IP experts Mena Lo and Emma Tsang

Features in this issue include
* "US patent exhaustion: yesterday, today, and maybe tomorrow" by the four-man team of John C. Paul, Kia L. Freeman, Bart A. Gerstenblith, and Jessica R. Underwood (abstract here);

* "Crystal clear: a landmark pharma patent victory in Japan", a nice law-meets-techie-stuff feature from John A. Tessensohn and Shusaku Yamamoto (abstract here) and

* a really challenging piece on the scope of trade mark protection by Robert M. Kunstadt, "Trade marks: not just for the rich and famous" (abstract here).
The editorial for this issues, "New Leader, New Problems", not unsurprisingly alludes to the condition of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the tasks facing its soon-to-be Director General Francis Gurry. You can read the editorial to this issue in full, and at no cost, here.

Read all the editorials of the past twelve months, here
Full contents of this issue here
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