Warming Threatens Global Security

From Time Magazine:

(WASHINGTON) — Global warming is likely to increase illegal immigration, create humanitarian disasters and destabilize precarious governments in political hot spots, all of which could affect U.S. national security, according to an assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Central and Southeast Asia are most vulnerable to warming-related drought, flooding, extreme weather and hunger. The intelligence assessment warns of the global impact from the spillover: increased migration and "water-related disputes," according to prepared remarks by Tom Fingar, deputy director of national intelligence for analysis, who was scheduled to speak before a joint House committee hearing. "We judge that the most significant impact for the United States will be indirect and result from climate-driven effects on many other countries and their potential to seriously affect U.S. national security interests," Fingar stated.

Read more ....

More News On Global Warming Being A National Security Threat:
Report calls global warming a threat to U.S. security -- CNN
Intelligence Agencies: Climate Threatens Security -- NPR
Report Says U.S. Security Faces Challenges From Global Warming -- Wall Street Journal
Reports: Energy Thirst Still Topping Climate Risks -- New York Times
Climate change may challenge national security, classified report warns -- Eureka Alert
International Energy Outlook 2008 - Highlights

My Comment: Global temperatures have been stable for the past decade .... what happens if global cooling becomes the trend?

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