(the following is abbreviated from a column in today's Huffington Post):
Anyway, I've been asking around, and here's the general thinking on what Obama needs in a Vice President:
A Military Background...
A Woman...
Older than Time Itself...
I know it sounds hopeless, but it's not. Obama just needs a running mate who's old, Hispanic, southern, female and enjoys state-sponsored violence, especially war.
Two words:
Eva. Peron.
I know what you're going to say: Eva Peron can't be vice president -- she was born in Argentina. Relax. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. It won't be an issue.
And now you're going to say: "But Chris, isn't Eva Paron a waxy corpse, borne crazily from place to place by its fanatical followers?" Again, we'll be running against McCain.