1) Review requests for appointment on the Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board, Goose Pond Colony Park Board, Roger Linville's term expires. 2) Discussion concerning smoking ban and other tobacco products ban in Bynum Park and Veterans Field. It was stated there have been complaints. The City Attorney suggested that action be tabled until the Alabama Legislature makes a decision on pending legislation this week. 3) Animal Control Ordinance discussion, leash law. A decision will be made at next weeks council meeting. 4) Discussion concerning housing of City prisoners while jail is being renovated. There is a dispute between the City and County as to how much the City will pay the County for housing City prisoners. A decision will be reached by next Monday. 5) Discussion of Parks/Sumner Family Cemetery on Stewart Rd. A decision to be made at next week's meeting concerning donation of approximately 3ac of property adjacent to the cemetery to be deeded to the city as a trade for perpetual upkeep of the cemetery. 6) Discussion toward repairing damage to the Scottsboro sign on Hwy 72 west of the city. 7) Billy Jack Kirby, repair of road and ditch discussion. 8) City Court cleanup contract discussion. Discussion to amend contract to reflect an increase of $75 per day for 3 days per month while court is being held at the new City Hall during renovation of the Court Room in the old city Hall, soon to be Justice Center Building. 9) Scottsboro Going Green Program. A comprehensive recycling program was presented to the City Council by Mr. Eddie Blizzard, Director of Solid Waste. This will be a curbside recycling program. This program will save land fill space. The program is volunteer at no cost to the customer. A "green bag" will be set beside the garbage can for pickup on the day regular garbage pickup. This program will begin this month. Items to be picked up in the recycling program will be paper, steel, aluminum and plastic. There will be drop off points at the landfill and baler facility. The Legislative Delegation is giving $10,000 for start up money. The goal of this program is to extend landfill life and a clean enviroment. Last year Scottsboro recycled 890,760 pounds of cardboard and 48,900 pounds of metal totaling 939,660 pounds of material that would have gone into the landfill.