Old Business: 1) Clark St. road improvement beyond 150 ft from S. Broad Street. Mr. Billy Jack Kirby had requested sometime ago that a portion of Clark St. beyond what Scottsboro maintains be repaired as it was alleged that the City had made changes to the road which was on private property. City Council approved the project with stipulations. 2) Electric Power Board Appointment, Mr. Larry Bradford. 3) Goosepond Parks and Recreation Board appointment, Mr. David Tiffen. 4) Bid opening for Solid Waste Dept., Compactor Wheels, low bid was awarded to GN Compactor LLC for $17,100.00
New Business: 1) Alcohol Beverage License Application, East Side Quick Mart, 1007 E. Willow St. for off site beer & wine sales, approved. 2) Consider taking Sumner/Parks Cemetery and adjacent property into City Property for exchange of perpetual upkeep on the current Cemetery, approved. 3) Contract approved with Jackson County Commission for housing inmates during City Jail renovation for $5.00 per inmate per day. The standard cost for prisoners housed at the county jail for all county municipalities. 4) Approval given to create a new Dispatch Position for Police Department and fill the position. 5) 2 Zoning Resolution Hearings dates approved for properties in the Driftwood Shores Subdivision area, 9 June and 23 June are hearing dates. Another property east of Edmonds Dr. was discussed for Rezoning, hearing, tabled until next council meeting. 6) Budget Amendment for alcohol purchase for Civic Center approved. 7) Surplus Property declaration for Fire Department and Solid Waste.
Reports: The Mayor was back and seated tonight. He announced that his Doctor has given him a clean bill of health and that he is cancer free.
A discussion occured concerning funding for the Scottsboro Solid Waste Recycle Program. Mr. Hodges stated the council had not given approval for expending of funds to pass out literature for recycling while requiring other City Departments to submit funding requests for projects. It was pointed out that the literature distributed was a small monetary amount and adjustments to the Solid Waste budget would be easily made. Mr. Hodges pointed out he was supportive of the Solid Waste Recycle program but was concerned over Council approval of financing of the project as council approval of funding had not occured.