All the waiters at your grand (internet) cafe

Hey, pals! Western Sahara news got so hot while I was on vacation and looking for a job (I was inspired by Real-Sahara-Watch's comment "get a job lol"). If you've been lax and haven't been following the other blogs and websites, make sure to check out Sahara-Watch and Western Sahara Info on Peter Van Walsum. Peter Van Walsum now seems not like a bad guy so much as one who got fed up with the UN and the whole Western Sahara dispute.

Post coming up about the outrageous repression of both Sahrawi and Moroccan students in Marrakesh. As a teaser, here's a recent comment by a Sahrawi who gets harassed in internet cafes by Moroccan police for reading...blogs like this one! I arbitrarily paragraphed it to improve readability.
I knew many youth here even if it is hard for them to navigate because of the moroccan repression on the internet coffees and on the movement of the human rights and selfdetermination defenders but people here are striving and in their own means they invent new methods for dealing with the situation that they live in.

For me i was arrested several times with some camarades in the internet coffee because of our (illegal deeds) as they told us,we were treated savagely and brutally we were detained for 3 days in 2006 and for 1 day the second time and for hours some times we were beated and insulted.

the police is everywhere even at the internet you could imagine how is it hard to navigate or to open pro-independance websites you have always to be day the moroccan police stopped the whole people at the cyber and take the cyber manager and his computers and closing the cyber and so on and so forth..........
Awesome to have readers like you, DevoteeofWS. I'm grateful for how hard you and Sahrawis like you work to get information out to the rest of the world.

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