Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Bid approved for renovation of the old City Hall facility, $3,158,917. Renovation includes Jail, Security Systems, Police Department and Courts. In other business, there were 2 meetings tonight, work session and regular council meeting. Mr. Simmons was absent as he was attending a Solid Waste Authority Conference.

Work Session: 1) Band Boosters have for sale 911 house and business number/street address markers. 2) Street Scapes change order discussion for $1200. 3) Dog Ordinance discussion. Complaints have been received concerning dogs running, not under control of owners. Leash ordinance discussion. Suggestion made that Animal Control Officers patrol other than day time to catch stray dogs and dogs allowed to run around in neighborhoods. 4) Discussion concerning standardization of procurement procedures and the need of a resolution concerning procedures. 5) Old City Hall renovation discussion. 6) County Sales Tax Holiday discussion. June 3rd deadline to inform state of participation. 7) Need for truck in Street Department discussion. Vehicle will be paid for out of surplus property sale. Car Sale at Street Department this Saturday. 8) Discussion concerning place to hold City Court during renovation. 9) Brief discussion concerning statistics on the rental of the Civic Center. 10) Short discussion on City Departments fuel savings.

Regular City Council Session: Old Business, none. New Business: 1) Award of Bid for for renovation of old City Hall, $3,158,917.00, approved with resolution to utilize sale funds of old Police Department on Hwy 72 to offset costs of renovation. 2) Street Scape change order approved for $1200. 3) Fire Dept equipment bid approved.

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