Saturday Alaska Progressive Blog Roundup - April 12, 2008

Arugula and lettuce coming up in planters in my greenhouse, in a picture taken yesterday evening.

I've got those, basil, lemon basil, parsley, Italian parsley, verbena and some choys coming up. I'm keeping the plants alive by putting them into plastic tents inside the greenhouse at night. It has gotten down around zero half of the nights this week, but it is getting into the 80s and 90s every sunny day, inside the greenhouse.

CelticDiva has been closely following the progress of HB 19, a proposal to put ignition interlocks on vehicles being driven by people who have had alcohol-related actions on their drivers licenses in the past. She has not only followed this bill, but may have ben instrumental in keeping it going through the legislative process, where it is now headed to the governor's desk.

CD also brought out the fact that Sarah Longwell, the author of an April 3 op-ed in the Anchorage Daily News, that argued against HB 19, though described by the ADN as, "the managing director of the American Beverage Institute in Washington, D.C., an association of restaurants committed to the responsible serving of adult beverages," is really a sleazy gun-for-hire, working for the notorious Rick Berman. Berman, also known in his business as Dr. Evil, operates a network of several front groups, web sites, and think tanks that work to keep wages low for restaurants and to block legislation on food safety, secondhand cigarette smoke, and drunk driving.

Theresa, at My Fairbanks Life, got my favorite Alaska blog headline of the week:

The Way Winter Ends ---- Apparently, Never

Theresa also got a nastygram from the ADN, after she put up an undoctored pic of Michelle Linehan . They had her remove it. The discussion about this in the comments was as interesting as Theresa's post about "fair use" of others' materials on blogs. Steve, commenting on this from Thailand, referred to an excellent post he did in 2007, called Blogger Law 101.

Dillon, at an Alaskan Abroad, one of the most knowledgeable writers around on oil industry issues, had a whole week worth of goodies to deal with. His was the only blog to directly announce the release by the Jake Metcalfe campaign this week, of a request (plea, demand, invitation, challenge --- whatever...?) for his two co-candidates in the AK-AL Democratic primary, to release their Federal income tax returns for the past few years, as Jake has done. Jake did this through purchasing newspaper ads.

No response from the other candidates, no traction in the media. Also, so far only gaining a bit of traction in the Alaska Report, was the Thursday release by the Diane Benson campaign, of a detailed letter to Conoco-Phillips and British Petroleum on "Denali," their proposal to jointly build a natural gas pipeline as an alternative to the AGIA bid by TransCanada. Progressive Alaska covered Benson's letter and Jake Metcalfe's ad in a post, and I wrote a DailyKos diary about it.

Freshwrestler pointed toward the inconsistencies
in the way the Palin administration handled two local Seldovia projects between last year and this. Last year, a boat harbor improvement and an injection of smolt into Seldovia Slough were deemed "Not a State Responsibility." This year, they were funded. I'm sure this year's budget will show such inconsistency in dozens of line items.

And Ishmael Melville wrote about why I'm really, really, really glad that about the only reason I go to bars these days is to go get somebody and drive him home when he's too messed up to do it himself - the bar-room fight.

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