"When a government is unhappy with an official or quasi-official visitor, there are all sorts of ways of showing displeasure. But for the Israeli government to withdraw police protection from peacemaker Jimmy Carter, and therefore make an assassination attempt easier, seems to me unprecedented and highly unfortunate."
(Quotation and credit to the Lew Rockwell blog for spotting this.)
"American sources close to the matter said the Shin Bet security service, which helps protect visiting dignitaries and is overseen by Olmert's office, declined to meet the head of Carter's Secret Service security detail or provide his team with assistance as is customary during such visits. Another source described the snub as an "unprecedented" breach between the Israeli Shin Bet and the U.S. Secret Service, which protects all current and former U.S. presidents, as well as Israeli leaders when they visit the United States." (Quote from this detailed Reuters article.)