Sri Lanka shuns West, looks East for aid
"The ascent of the cost of rice to $24 from $10 per hundredweight over the past year tracks the declining value of the American dollar. The link between the declining parity of the US unit and the rising price of commodities, including oil as well as rice and other wares, is indisputable. China has bid aggressively for rice all year, and last week banned rice exports, along with Vietnam and several other producers." - Rice, death and the dollar
"Asians can start by blaming themselves for the present mess in which their farmers remain poor, their poorest struggle to pay for basics such as rice, and their governments continue to pay economic allegiance to the has-been powers of America and Europe." - Bankrupt policies,empty stomachs
The rising protectionist tide
INDONESIA In Padang, Islamic law is now imposed on all - Asia News
UN troops in Congo 'traded gold and arms' World news The Guardian
The World's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives
British voting system 'open to large-scale fraud'
Vote fraud threatens to wreak chaos on London
Postal vote system turns farcical
Bad manners are the biggest problem facing Britain, says study - and parents are to blame