All Is Well in Noel(ville)

A muscle injury in a dog as active as Cookie and the terrain being as it were was no surprise. Considering the number of times she slipped, stumbled or broke through the deep, crusty snow, it's a miracle she wasn't getting hurt on a daily basis. Most of the time it wasn't even her crazy self's fault.

Exploring with daddy.

It turns out it's been two years since Cookies last set of back-to-back injuries.

I hate it every time my dog gets hurt or sick but making it two years injury-free with Cookie is actually quite amazing. When I realized that it made me feel a bit better about it. I've been working toward no more injuries ever but, given the circumstances, two years is an accomplishment. The terrain is rough, and Cookie is enthusiastic. And yes, that's an understatement.

My biggest concern was there could be more to it than merely hurt muscle.

Were the knees getting weak again? Was it a compensation injury? You'd be surprised how often the injury you see is a fallout of one you did not.

Sometimes, and in our case really for the first time, things are actually simple;  new thing for me, and I am grateful to be able to have that luxury for once. For both of our sakes, Cookie's and mine.

Since the terrain has not improved and Cookie didn't become a subdued dog, she was stuck going for walks with daddy only. With daddy, going out is serious business. With mommy, it's all fun and games, and she is much more likely to lose her mind with excitement.

At her last physiotherapy session, Cookie's gait looked even and smooth, and the muscles in the affected areas were happy and relaxed. I myself am not seeing any more issues.

We managed to get that muscle to heal.

Taking it easy, physical therapy and some laser therapy did the trick.

That is great news for Cookie as she can start going out with mommy again. And for me, because I really missed our outings. Now I just wish the ground improved; the snow either got hard enough to safely walk on top of it or melt away.

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What were the first signs you noticed? How did your dog get diagnosed? What treatment did/didn't work for you? What was your experience with your vet(s)? How did you cope with the challenges?

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Do you know what your dog is telling you about their health?

Learn how to detect and interpret the signs of a potential problem.

An award-winning guide to better understanding what your dog is telling you about their health, Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog, is available in paperback and Kindle. Each chapter includes notes on when it is an emergency.

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