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» Scalpel? Check. Google Book Search? Check.
Scalpel? Check. Google Book Search? Check.
One of the best things about working on Google Book Search is hearing all the imaginative and creative ways people are putting Book Search to work—ways we never could have imagined. Last year, for example, we heard from Jo Guldi, a graduate student studying 19th century British roads, and Erin McKean, a blogger who scouts Book Search for descriptions of Victorian dresses and dressmaking.
Last September, we came across a blog post by Dr. Joshua Schwimmer, a medical doctor who practices and teaches in New York City. We wouldn’t necessarily have thought of Google Book Search as a medical resource, so we were intrigued to read that Dr. Schwimmer had turned to Book Search as a teaching aid while in the emergency department with a group of students and residents.
We recently invited Dr. Schwimmer to share all the ways he’s found Google Book Search useful as a physician, and here’s what he had to say.
If you’re interested in reading more of Dr. Schwimmer’s thoughts on Book Search and medical education, you can read his full post here. And, as always, if you’d like to share your own story with us, let us know!