March 9, 2008

White Dog has developed a definite aversion to Agility Class. Steve had to nearly pull her from the car when we arrived and she almost knocked me over attempting to climb into my arms. There has been no incident, involving her or just her witnessing. All of the dogs are friendly and well-behaved. She has been class champ at the tasks. Jesse thinks maybe Murphy's deep bark is too loud and aggressive for White Dog's sensibilities but she avoids everyone for the first half of class. It is mysterious to us but we think the socialization/exercise is too important to pull her out of class. White Dog took a couple of tries before coming to terms with the teeter-totter, but finally with a look of resignation, she walked the entire board. The class graduated at the end of today's session but White Dog, her old friend Daisy, and Poppy get to attend next week for a make-up class/ play date.

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