The Search For Smeato - John Smeaton - Glasgow Airport Attack He - Watch the top videos of the week here

Alex McIlveen was the person who tackled 'terrorist' Kafeel Ahmed during a 'terror' attack at Glasgow Airport, on 30 June 2007.

In the Scottish Sunday Express, 16 March 2008, Alex McIlveen states: "at no point did John Smeaton attempt to tackle the bombers... He is a fake."

Stephen Clarkson, who also tackled the 'terrorists', "confirmed that he did not see Smeaton tackle the bombers."

CCTV footage of the 'terror attack', shown on Youtube, appears not to show Smeaton tackling the 'terrorists'.

It was John Smeaton who gave the media the quotes that they wanted, quotes that sounded as if they had been scripted by the security services.

Smeaton was awarded the Queen's Gallantry medal. Smeaton received a CNN Every Day Superhero Award. Smeaton was flown to New York for the sixth anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. Smeaton appeared on TV talk shows. (TERROR PALS ‘SET ABOOT’ JOHN /BACKLASH AGAINST ‘HERO’ SMEATO )


The Glasgow Airport attack has brought forth a number of names of people who are linked to Cambridgeshire, where MI5 has a base.

John Smeaton said the man shouted, "Allah, Allah" 'I FLOORED JEEP BOMBER'

"John himself has been elusive since the attacks — until the News of the World tracked him down to a pub in rural Cambridgeshire... John headed south to Cambridge with his parents Catherine, 68, and Iain, 66, for a cousin's wedding, and has enjoyed the opportunity to lay low." Read

"(Bilal) Abdulla is believed to have known suspect Mohammed Asha, when Asha worked at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, where Abdulla has relatives. Abdulla visited Cambridge as recently as three weeks ago, and was there regularly to visit an uncle and his grandmother, said a cafe owner who once rented Abdulla an apartment in the eastern city."
British Look for Links in Failed Plot

"An innocent looking semi-detached property in the University city of Cambridge from where an Islamic charity dedicated to peace and inter-faith friendship operated might have housed the London and Glasgow bomb plot accused, media reports said today. The links between Bilal Abdullah, the Iraqi doctor, Kafeel Ahmed, Indian engineer and others arrested in connection with the alleged plot came as shock to the unsuspecting congregation..." "Charity in Cambridge might have housed bomb plot accused"

"What is not shown – several examples were suggested of installations which the Soviets must have known about which are not identified on the maps (eg MI5 HQ, Cambridge RSG). "
Soviet Military Mapping of Britain

"The Glasgow Airport incident looks like an action by a certain security service to turn the people of Scotland against Moslems and against the SNP. Some of those involved in the plot may have been double agents and some may have been patsies. "
Glasgow Airport attack, the SNP and the security s...


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