Happy dogs come from California

Lemme tell ya. This California livin' is really all people say it is.

After I got settled in -- I hear people calling it my "foster home," whatever the heck that is -- these cool people started taking me out for a jog just about every morning. In fact, Nice Mister said I was doing so good that he brought Lucy, their ornery dog, on the run with us. That was fun!

I really love our jogs. I've found my favorite places to *ahem* relieve myself, and Nice Mister and Nice Lady have finally learned to get out of the way so I can FLING dirt as far as I can afterward. They think I'm marking, but I'm really trying to get that dirt across the street! I've almost perfected it, too. Just . . . one . . . more . . . FLING!!

Nice Lady brings me to a big building every week where there were a LOT of other dogs, and we would heel and sit, heel and lie down, and circle around heeling. These people sure do like to play the heel game. Eh, it makes Nice Lady happy, so I do it. Plus, every once in a while, she surprises me with treats. Now, I've trimmed down a bit since living in California, but I can never say no to those treats! Where DOES she get those things from?!

And, I have to tell you -- remember that Nice Kid? The one who came up with my name? Dog love him because when he and Nice Lady are going out, he wants me to come, too, and man oh MAN is it fun.

Yup. Stoked. I could really get used to this California place.

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