So far the number of dead has reached 14 confirmed, but still expecting it to rise.
There appear to be many missing, and until families are allowed back into the area, the true number will not be known. In fact, due to people working at the site illegally the true number may never be known.
Fatmir Mediu was on TV yesterday explaining his decision to resign. I must admit I thought he came across very well, and very sincere. He should have resigned, but I am sure he is the "sacrifice" to avoid the Prime Minister from resigning.
Mediu said that it may be hollow words but he apologized to the families that has lost loved ones.
The opposition party is requesting that the Prime Minister resigns.
There is a petition here, campaigning from some for the Prime Minister to resign.
Unfortunately, this will be like any other "disaster" that has occurred in Albania. The people will all be against it. They will all blame the current government. Calls will be made for something to be done. But no-one will do anything to bring this about! Everyone will just stand back and let it disappear from the news as something else bumps it from the headlines. By the time the true number of dead is known, it will be old news. No-one seems to ever make a stand to get something done!
The above petition page is very nice...but I can't imagine Mr. Berisha losing much sleep over it!
It seems to me that Albania is full of people claiming "S'ka shtet"...but no-one is really interested in doing something to change it!
Sali Berisha promised to re-house everyone that had property destroyed, and to make Gerdec once again just like it used to be.
But as one newspaper said, " Kalaja kemi, por Skanderbeu ka vdekur!" ( "We have the castles, but Skanderbeu is dead!)