Vincent Foster

"Garrett was the lead FBI investigator in the strange death of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster.

"Foster's body was, like Levy's, found in a heavily wooded area near Washington D.C.. The official cause of death, touted from the outset as a suicide, was declared due to a gunshot fired into the mouth.

"The weapon, said to be a black 1913 Army Colt .38 Special six-shot revolver, was said to have been found in Foster's hand.

"It is significant, therefore, to note that x-rays of the initial autopsy of Vincent Foster's corpse are listed by Federal coroners as now being 'missing', and that no one in the Foster family recalls there being a firearm of that model or appearance anywhere, ever, in their residence.

"Also, there was no blood found on the cuff, sleeve, or wrist of Foster, as would have been elicited naturally, from what they call 'blowback', by a self-inflicted gunshot held close inside the soft-palate.

"The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body.

"The memory in Foster's pager had been erased. Foster's office at the White House was looted. Secret Service agent Henry O' Neill watched Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carry boxes of papers out of Foster's office before the Police showed up to seal it.

"There were indications the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo surfaced which reported that Foster's body had been found in his car! Garrett helped to completly cover up these glaring inconsistencies." -


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