is part of the BootsnAll travel network, and offers up some interesting suggestions for the independent, adventurous traveler who is looking for something unique and different to try on their next trip.
Some of their recent suggestions include cycling in Thailand, hiking the Inca Trail, or if you're looking for something a little closer to home, backpacking in the Adirondack Mountains. The short, but interesting articles tend to have links to resources, usually in the BootsnAll pages, that can provide more info on the destination, such as the best time to go, what gear to bring, and what to expect when you get there. Sometimes you can even book a trip directly through BootsnAll themselves.
And once you've looked through their suggestions, hit up the message boards to interact with other travelers and get first hand information from them on your destination of choice. I've found the community there to be very helpful and knowledgeable, not to mention well traveled. If you have questions about a location, chances are someone there knows the answer.