The Upcoming Alaska Democratic Party Presidential Caucuses

On Tuesday, February 5, in more than 100 communities around Alaska, Democrats here will join those in 20 other states in using the antiquated caucus system to determine who our delegation to the 2008 National Democratic Party Convention will nominate for President on the first ballot of voting.

It has been a while since a national convention of either party saw a true contest during those midsummer events. This week begins the process of other states choosing their delegates and nominees.

But this is the most important election year for progressive and liberal Alaskans in a long time. Although our state has never been considered key to either party's presidential electoral strategy, by participating in the Democratic Party Presidential Caucus, you can gain an understanding of how the party works in your town, community and neighborhood. To vote in the caucus, you need to be registered as a Democrat. You can do this by downloading the voter registration form from the Alaska Division of Elections web site, filling it out and either mailing it or bringing it in to one of the places listed here.

The Alaska Democratic Party web site has a lot of information on the caucuses, and contact info on where your local one will or might be.

Norman Rockwell - In The Jury Room

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