I was down in Elbasan yesterday, and driving through Tirana I noticed what I think is a bar/cafe that I hadn't seen before.
I don't know what the owner had in mind...
Sali Berisha is a communist?
Sali Berisha is as much a dictator as the other three?
One thing is for sure, if you speak about Sali Berisha you certainly get a response!
The Albanians either love him or hate him.
Which is quite strange, as he seemed to get the blame for the 1997 pyramid schemes and the anarchy and deaths that resulted throughout the country.
Yet once again he is back as Prime Minister.
The funny thing is that I find that Sali Berisha is a great orator.
He is one of the few Albanian politicians that I could easily sit and listen to. Maybe because he speaks slowly and clearly and I can understand him better than some others, but I think the real reason is that he is a "charismatic" figure. He could be talking absolute rubbish, but I find his manner of speaking excellent.
When he starts speaking I find myself turning the volume up, which is the direct opposite of some of the other people on Albanian Tv who have me rushing for the remote control to switch the channel.