Let it Rain

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Summer time in Brazil means rain, welcome on most days because of the heat. To escape the warm weather today, we took the kids to the movies on the bus. The moment I stepped into the air-conditioned mall I smiled despite the throng of people. I was cool at last.

The movie was fun, the kids happy, so after walking around a bit we headed back home.

We got off the bus at the apartment of one of Mariah's friends who had joined us for the day. Her mom had a baby yesterday, so we briefly visited the family, then headed home on foot.

We were still eight or so blocks from home, and the clouds had darkened considerably by the time we left the apartment building. We told the kids to hurry. We could make it. No problem.

Or so we thought. Within two minutes the heavens broke open and we were soaked. Let me tell you though, after being so hot this past week, all we could do was laugh and run through the rain with big smiles on our faces.

Enjoy your day today!


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