Harper's Index #3

Average amount of milk an American dairy cow produces, in gallons: 1,703
Average amount a cow produced in 1950, in gallons: 618

Number of trial lawyers who have taken acting lessons from Applied Theater Techniques in Los Angeles: 8,000
Years it would take to execute every American on death row, at a rate of one execution per day: 7
Percentage of Americans who say they watch "too little" television: 23
Number of United States universities that offer a bagpipe major: 1
Estimated number of Americans who have had wires, screws, pins, nails, or plates surgically implanted: 4,400,000
Number of florists on the White House staff: 5
Ratio of the production cost of a Coca-Cola can to the production cost of the Coca-Cola it contains: 2:1
The longest time a Life Saver has been kept intact in a human mouth, in hours: 7
Tons of gold made into wedding rings in the United States each year: 17
Number of American farmers who asphyxiate in manure pits each year: 3
Number of Americans treated last year for bowling-related injuries: 22,515
U.S. consumer debt in 1991 as a percentage of total disposable income: 96
Percentage of all American astronauts who were Boy Scouts: 45
Ratio of the number of Chinese who will watch the Super Bowl to the number of Americans who will: 3:1
Number of Americans who have been shot in the last decade by children under six: 138,490
Average number of drugs prescribed each year to an American over 60: 16