Clegg has won with less votes than Huhne got when he lost to Ming. - ORDOVICIUS: Calamity Clegg Wins - Just

Chris Huhne and Nick Clegg stood for the leadership of the UK Liberal Democrat Party.
Lord Ashdown (allegedly an agent of MI6 ASHDOWN WAS MI6 AGENT ) backed Nick Clegg.
Lord Ashdown (allegedly an agent of MI6 ASHDOWN WAS MI6 AGENT ) backed Nick Clegg.
Chris Huhne says the UK should get rid of Trident (UK nuclear weapons). ( Huhne: I would scrap Trident )
Nick Clegg does not want to get rid of Trident altogether.
Chris Huhn wants (Key points of Clegg and Huhne's leadership manifestos Special ... )
1. To rebalance foreign policy so Britain is not automatically drawn 'into the US's system of alliances.'
2. To offer the public a referendum on new laws if enough people are opposed within a period of, at most, 100 days of its passage through parliament.
Nick Clegg wants
1. To create a dedicated national anti-terrorism police force.
2. To keep Trident meantime.
Clegg's great-great-grandfather, the Russian nobleman Ignaty Zakrevsky, was Attorney General of Senate in Imperial Russia.[3] Zakrevsky`s daughter, Alexandra Moullen was his great grandmother, and her daughter Baroness Kira von Engelhardt was his grandmother.[3]
Clegg's great-great aunt was the writer and suspected spy Baroness Moura Budberg-Bönningshausen (born Zakrevskaya) who was also the mistress of R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Maxim Gorky and H.G. Wells.[4]
In the 1990s Clegg worked for the private office of the European Commission's Vice President and Trade Commissioner Leon Brittan.