Calamity for UK Liberal Democrats?

Nick Clegg elected new Lib Dem leader

Clegg has won with less votes than Huhne got when he lost to Ming. - ORDOVICIUS: Calamity Clegg Wins - Just


Chris Huhne and Nick Clegg stood for the leadership of the UK Liberal Democrat Party.

Lord Ashdown (allegedly an agent of MI6 ASHDOWN WAS MI6 AGENT ) backed Nick Clegg.
Chris Huhne says the UK should get rid of Trident (UK nuclear weapons). ( Huhne: I would scrap Trident )

Nick Clegg does not want to get rid of Trident altogether.

1. To rebalance foreign policy so Britain is not automatically drawn 'into the US's system of alliances.'
2. To offer the public a referendum on new laws if enough people are opposed within a period of, at most, 100 days of its passage through parliament.

Nick Clegg wants

1. To create a dedicated national anti-terrorism police force.

2. To keep Trident meantime.


Clegg's great-great-grandfather, the Russian nobleman Ignaty Zakrevsky, was Attorney General of Senate in Imperial Russia.[3] Zakrevsky`s daughter, Alexandra Moullen was his great grandmother, and her daughter Baroness Kira von Engelhardt was his grandmother.[3]

Clegg's great-great aunt was the writer and suspected spy Baroness Moura Budberg-Bönningshausen (born Zakrevskaya) who was also the mistress of R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Maxim Gorky and H.G. Wells.[4]

In the 1990s Clegg worked for the private office of the European Commission's Vice President and Trade Commissioner Leon Brittan.


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