Hark! Winter is coming, and the snow in yonder mountains drifts ever-downward toward our humble lodgings.
As termination dust blankets the distant ranges somewhere afar in the Territory, so too must our preparations for the cold, hard months ahead begin in earnest.
'Tis a grueling labor simply to prepare for winter's veil to descend upon us here on the Last Frontier, and requires of our small family much due diligence and industry.
First, we must ensure that we are on the schedule for the propane delivery guy and that we have in our possession a cord or two of dry (or at least not damp) wood.
We will also require amongst our provisions a half pound of bacon, three sacks of dried beans, a saddle, and some empty Cheez-It boxes and egg cartons from Costco to fuel our iron stove.
Next, we must take a full accounting of our winter raiments: snow-pants, boots, long underwear, waterproof mittens, and the like. We must with a keen eye determine what of these items is too destroyed from last year to use again, and/or which may no longer fit our growing youngsters and/or be subject to L.L. Bean’s lifetime guarantee.
We then must make a timely audit of our bank accounts on the internet, and from there begin the arduous yet rapid process of divesting ourselves of our recently acquired Permanent Fund Dividend checks in order to replace the aforementioned too-small raiments or otherwise seek out deals and steals for these items and promptly give the entirety of the remainder of our PFDs to Eaglecrest Ski Area.
Our conveyances, too, must be properly secured for the difficult journey ahead.
Next, we must take a full accounting of our winter raiments: snow-pants, boots, long underwear, waterproof mittens, and the like. We must with a keen eye determine what of these items is too destroyed from last year to use again, and/or which may no longer fit our growing youngsters and/or be subject to L.L. Bean’s lifetime guarantee.
We then must make a timely audit of our bank accounts on the internet, and from there begin the arduous yet rapid process of divesting ourselves of our recently acquired Permanent Fund Dividend checks in order to replace the aforementioned too-small raiments or otherwise seek out deals and steals for these items and promptly give the entirety of the remainder of our PFDs to Eaglecrest Ski Area.
Our conveyances, too, must be properly secured for the difficult journey ahead.
We must forthwith appoint ourselves to Capital Service and see if they have the one extra snow tire we need in stock in order to properly balance the other three on the Subaru so as not to wreck the transmission and see if we can remember where we put the other set of snow tires which are so crappy we need to replace them but oops our PFDs are all gone so I guess not!
Word has reached us from NOAA and our one friend who studies glaciers that this winter is going to be a doozy but no one really knows if that's true or not because sometimes they say it's a doozy and it's just rain and other times there's so much snow our driveway becomes invisible until April.
Which brings us to the final and most important decision to be reached as the days shorten: shall we engage the services of a plow guy? Or finally fix the snow blower and do it ourselves?
God willing I shall have the answer soon, should Divine Providence see fit to let me live to make a record of the coming winter...
Word has reached us from NOAA and our one friend who studies glaciers that this winter is going to be a doozy but no one really knows if that's true or not because sometimes they say it's a doozy and it's just rain and other times there's so much snow our driveway becomes invisible until April.
Which brings us to the final and most important decision to be reached as the days shorten: shall we engage the services of a plow guy? Or finally fix the snow blower and do it ourselves?
God willing I shall have the answer soon, should Divine Providence see fit to let me live to make a record of the coming winter...