Have you ever wanted to compete in an intense competition similar to NBC's Treasure Hunters or CBS's more popular The Amazing Race? Well, now you can have your chance.
Check out The Great America Race scheduled to be held next Summer, August 9 -16 to be exact. Organized and run by Ravenchase Adventures, the race will wind through seven states in eight days as competitors go on a treasure hunt that will require skill, wits, and athleticism to win. Much like Treasure Hunters, teams will discover "brilliant clues, adversaries, codes, ciphers, actors planted around every corner" in their quest to find the treasure. (What said treasure is, has yet to be determined apparently)
The race is open to the general public, although each player does have to pay an entry fee of $300 to join the mayhem. Teams can range in size from 2 to 8 people, who must all travel, together throughout the event. The race will begin in Lexington, VA and end in Martha's Vineyard, MA, with the times for each daily stage being tabulated together to determine the winner. Top three places get prizes.
This sounds like a fun way to spend a family vacation actually. The potential is there for a lot of fun and a great, unique adventure. However, be warned, it seems that the clues are not all that easy. You can check out some samples by clicking here.