
"Experts estimate Indonesia could earn more than $US13 billion ($14.6 billion) by preserving its forests if the carbon trading plan gets support in Bali." - Bali spotlight on Indonesian forests

"Israeli/American interest and plans interlink in Darfur, to establish an independent State in western Sudan, under the leadership of the Az-Ghawi tribe that leads the insurgency in the province, besides establishing a technologically advanced military base under common American-British-Israeli observance, the purpose of which is to control security status, and political interactions in Egypt, Sudan, Libya, African states and the Red Sea. It also aims at protecting the oil pipeline that the U.S. is conducting negotiations to build, which shall be extending from Iraq, the Gulf States, to the Red Sea then to the Darfur province through Libya and Morocco to the Atlantic Ocean." - Israel in Darfur and Arab National Security

SCOTTISH LABOUR'S new spin-doctor said the SNP government had a "long and impressive" list of achievements. He described first minister Alex Salmond as "a great example of a politician on top of his game". - Pressure piles on Alexander

Swing to SNP in Dundee Council by-election win


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