Book published: Introduction to the Systems of Islam

Revival Publications have recently published this book.

The Muslim Ummah have been living without the Khilafah (Islamic State) for over seven decades, plagued on the one hand by the domination of the colonialist Western nations, and on the other hand, afflicted by the infiltration of ideas alien to Islam - such as secularism, nationalism and individualism - into the minds of the Ummah.

In the place of the Systems of Islam, which were implemented under the banner of a unified Khilafah State for more than 1300 years, giving justice and security to all that lived under it, the world is once again dominated by corruption, poverty and disorder.

Indeed, these are the natural result of any way of life that is based on the fragile foundations of man-made laws. Islam is a deen (way of life), encompassing comprehensive guidance for all aspects of human existence, from personal worship to economics and government. The rules and laws which emanate from the Islamic ‘aqeedah (creed) come from none other than Allah (swt), the Creator of mankind and the universe. Thus, they are free from the flaws and limitations that are necessarily inherent in man-made ideologies. It is only by the implementation of Islam that mankind can ever hope to be freed from the abyss in which it is currently submerged.

It is the responsibility of every Muslim to understand fully about the details of this unique and perfect way of life. When we have done so, our minds will see clearly that the Systems of Islam provide the only practical solutions to the problems of the Ummah, and our hearts will yearn for their implementation in the world again.

This 294 page paperback quality book outlines the Systems of Islam - Ruling, Economic, Social, Education and Judicial, and presents them not as a series of individual academic studies, but as an integrated whole, showing how each system complements the others, how they apply directly in our life’s affairs, and how we should work to bring them back into the world arena.

How to Purchase the book through Paypal

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Price of Book: £6 GBP, postage/courier rates will apply.

Please note: Purchasing in bulk decreases the courier charges which are normally high for a single book so it is better buy a few together with your friends/family. The books will be delivered within 3-5 days of receiving the payment.

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