20 CoCoRaHS stations have checked in with an inch or more of rain as of 10 am Mountain Time on Friday morning. The reports came from Wisconsin, New Mexcio, North Carolina and South Dakota.
One of those reports came from observer NM-ED-3, who lives on the northwest side of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
A thnuderstorm moved over that region just after 10 pm on Thursday night, and dropped 1.10 inches of rain in 15 minutes. The observer described the flooding as severe with over a foot of water rushing down the streets.
That much rain in 15 minutes is a lot for any location, but especially in a dry and arid climate like New Mexico.
Although our network isn't up and running yet across Florida, there have been some drenching rains there this week too. The city of Jacksonville has recorded over 10 inches!
Those soaking rains will spread west along the central Gulf Coast with the current tropical disturbance in that part of the world.
If you are heading to New Orleans this weekend, bring the rain gear!