Team Kahn with Melis and Kirby are back at basecamp on the Kahiltna Glacier waiting to fly out. Well done Team Kahn on negotiating the lower glacier with the fresh snowfall, that should make for some good stories! It has not been flyable for the past several days, so we hope that the weather clears up enough for them to get back to Talkeetna in the next few days.
It's not a raging storm out there, it's just not good enough visibility for the airplanes to get there and pick them up. All planes flying in the Alaska Range are under a Visual Flight Rules protocol, because of the nature of mountain flying. They must be able to actually see where they are going versus an Instrument Flight Rules protocol where there are no obstacles in the way, like at 30,000'!
I'm sure they are hanging out in their tents, taking short walks, visiting with other waiting climbers and day dreaming about eating burgers and fries.
NEWS FLASH! When I just spoke with Louis he said he saw Team Kahn on their way out and said they looked great!
We'll see them soon!
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» Team Kahn with Melis and Kirby Back at Basecamp