Second Life - Teen Grid Education Info MEETING tomorrow night at 9pm PST in SL

From my new MUST READ friend Ryan Bretag, this information about a meeting tomorrow night, Sunday at 9 pm PST on EduIsland about how educators can get involved in the teen grid educational areas of second life.

I may be asleep (or grading) but if I'm awake, I'll be there!

Here is the info!

EduIsland II welcomes the Eye4You Alliance Teen Island and the ELVEN Institute! ELVEN helps pre-K12 educators and librarians to integrate new technologies into teaching and learning, whilst Eye4You Alliance’s office on this island represents the creation of a direct communication channel between MG and TG adult educators.

On Sunday at 9am PDT Eye4You will be holding an open public meeting on EduIsland II that will discuss how adult educators can become involved in Teen Grid education.

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