May 15 Denali Departure, Christian March, 11K

Photo: building camp at 11K, with the Kahiltna Dome in the background.

We got an update that Christian's team has moved up to camp at 11,200'. They are right on schedule.

I picked Steve up at the at the talkeetna airstrip, where all of the air services land and take off from to take climbers to and from the mountains. Steve is doing well despite his knee problems. He and the team had to make a very difficult and hard, but wise decision to send Steve out. Steve felt that even if he could continue on and endure the pain that he would potentially be a liability to the team.

Steve was able to "get a ride" with another guided group from the bottom of Ski Hill to Base Camp. By doing it this way Mike and Ben were able to stay with the rest of the team and continue up the mountain to 11k camp and Christian and the gang never missed a beat.

So they are doing there thing up there at 11.

That's all folks.

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