"Strike, my minions!": King Mohammed pulls out the big guns

I can't remember how I ended up signing on for email alerts from Morocco Board, but I'm glad I did. Usually I just find out that a Moroccan concert in DC was a great success, but sometimes I get gems like this, telling Moroccans to urge their congressmen to support the autonomy plan.

What I find most irritating about the call to action is how it frames the autonomy plan as Morocco's answer to a question the diplomatic community continues to ask: "The Moroccan initiative comes in response to repeated requests of the United Nations Security Council and several of its key members, including the United States, that Morocco propose a solution to this longstanding problem." No one's asking Morocco to propose an autonomy plan--the UN and most of the international community still want a referendum.

Check out this letter written by Reps. Diaz-Balart and Ackerman to President Bush supporting autonomy. I'm familiar with Lincoln Diaz-Balart's particular brand of venality or naivete, according to your taste. But who is Gary Ackerman, D-NY? I've written him a letter about the Western Sahara for good measure.

I suppose Moroccans lobbying the government at least might attract lawmakers' attention, and then the truth will show them who to support (maybe?). It's certainly better of them to use grassroots (sandgrains?) activism than Robert Holley.

More later this week on another one of Morocco Board's crusades, this time against Wikipedia tricksters. If only editing was limited to state actors, our problems would be solved!

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