Kat on the run ...

Following his attempt to pass himself off as a serious athlete at the International Trademark Association (INTA) Meeting last year, IPKat team blogger Jeremy is running again ("competing" would be too strong a word) in the 5 Kilometre Run at this year's INTA Meeting in Chicago.

This year Jeremy is attempting to raise money for two charities: Headway, in the United Kingdom, and the American Brain Tumor Association in the United States. The common factor is the brain: as IP enthusiasts, practitioners, teachers and owners we all depend upon intellectual product for our livelihoods - and these two charities exist to aid those who, through tragic accident or dreadful disease, have their intellectual and physical abilities impaired.

Unlike last year, Jeremy has managed to sort out the online donation side of things properly this time. So if you'd like to sponsor his participation in the 5K Run by donating to either of these causes (or both, if you are feeling really extravagant), you can do so by clicking here (for Headway) and here (for the American Brain Tumor Association).

Right: after the Run is over ...

Fastest cat here
Slowest cat here

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