Bits and bobs

The IPKat is delighted to announce that team blogger Jo Gibson has been elevated to the exalted rank of Professor at the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, University of London (known as QMIPRI - an abbreviation which Jo even manages to pronounce as though it were a real word). It's not just any old Chair either: Jo is to share tenure of the Herchel Smith Chair in Intellectual Property Law. Congratulations, Jo!

Right: Kats and chairs have a particular affinity

Readers of this blog who have long memories will recall that the IPKat used to host lunchtime seminars and Thursday late afternoon talks at Queen Mary's Charterhouse Square campus. Jo is keen to kick-start a new series of the same, which with luck should be hosted in the rather more central vicinity of Lincoln's Inn in the coming academic year (details to follow, so don't write in now unless you're volunteering to speak or want to pay for the refreshments!)

The IPKat is also pleased to see that the first few sponsorships have come in for his 5 km run this Tuesday afternoon (details here). Online donations may be made here (for Headway) and here (for the American Brain Tumor Association).

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