The Rest of Everest - Episode 29

A new episode of the video podcast The Rest of Everest is now available for download. Episode 29 is entitled Waiting Out The Weather and the title pretty much sums up the episode. With high winds, even at ABC, the team is stuck, waiting for their opportunity to go up the mountain. We'd like to believe that an Everest expedition is all about climbing, but sometimes there is a lot of waiting as well. Especially when the weather is involved.

If you haven't been watching The Rest of Everest, and you have an interest in high altitude climbing in general, or Everest in particular, than you owe it to yourself to watch this podcast. Jon, the Director of the show, does a great job of showing you all aspects of an Everest expedition. And don't think it's too late to jump in now even though we're up to Episode 29. You can get all the past episodes through iTunes or on the Rest of Everest webiste. I highly recommend starting with Episode 0 and working your way forward. After an episode or two, you'll be hooked, and you'll find yourself quickly catching up, and impatiently waiting the next episode.

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