Then, I did it. I locked down the main topic pages on the Flat Classroom Wiki -- They've all done an amazing job -- but remember, these are real students and there is a full range of performance here. Here are the topics.
I highly suggest that you look at topic 9 and 10 but all of them are great! I plan on posting about each of these topics in the future. Each pair of students analyzed the trends and one created a video on the impact in education and the other, the impact on industry. Our judges will be looking at these over the next several weeks, so I don't want to bias their thoughts. (But I've given you a quick preview with the video to the left.)
- Connecting the World Online
- How the World Wide Web has Changed the World
- How Work Flow Software can Enhance Productivity and Communications
- Combined with 8 due to absences.
- Why we should be promoting Web 2.0 tools for sharing information.
- Globalization and Outsourcing
- Google Takes Over the World
- (Combined with 4) The Changing Shape of Information - PLE's and Social Networking
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Virtual Communications
- Wireless Connectivity