The Flat Classroom is Closed (temporarily)

Just finished an amazing edtechtalk with David Warlick and Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -- just amazing! It will be posted on the Wow2 podcast in the next several days.

Then, I did it. I locked down the main topic pages on the Flat Classroom Wiki -- They've all done an amazing job -- but remember, these are real students and there is a full range of performance here. Here are the topics.

I highly suggest that you look at topic 9 and 10 but all of them are great! I plan on posting about each of these topics in the future. Each pair of students analyzed the trends and one created a video on the impact in education and the other, the impact on industry. Our judges will be looking at these over the next several weeks, so I don't want to bias their thoughts. (But I've given you a quick preview with the video to the left.)
  1. Connecting the World Online
  2. How the World Wide Web has Changed the World
  3. How Work Flow Software can Enhance Productivity and Communications
  4. Combined with 8 due to absences.
  5. Why we should be promoting Web 2.0 tools for sharing information.
  6. Globalization and Outsourcing
  7. Google Takes Over the World
  8. (Combined with 4) The Changing Shape of Information - PLE's and Social Networking
  9. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
  10. Virtual Communications
  11. Wireless Connectivity

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