In yet still more Seven Summit news today, we have this article from MountEverest.net that calls into question the height of Aconcagua, long held as the highest peak in South America, and actually the tallest mountain outside of the Himalayas. The story suggests that Ojos del Salado is the tallest peak in the Americas, and may even top out at over 7000m. Of course, this would change a lot of those lists of climbers who have made it up all of the peaks.
I find it a little interesting that in this day and age we can't settle this dispute once and for all. It should be a rather simple thing to measure, with accuracy, the heights of these two mountains, and sort this mess out once and for all. I can't help but think that there is a travel agency or two in South America who made this all up just to drum up business, as all those Seven Summiters are rapidly booking return airfare to South America to knock off Ojos del Salado. You know... just in case!
Thanks for the tip GoBlog! Not to mention the funny as hell "quote" from Dick Bass! :) Photo courtesy of Jon at The Rest of Everest.